5th Anniversary of the PSI Re-use framework

Source: European Public Sector Information (PSI) Platform

European PSI Platform Guest Blogger, Christopher Corbin, poses questions about measuring the economic activity from opening up government data

London: 21 February 2010

European PSI Platform Guest Blogger, Christopher Corbin, poses questions about measuring the economic activity from opening up government data.

Read the Blog and post your comments: 5th Anniversary of the PSI Re-use framework

In the context of the EU legislative framework for the re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) and the recent EU Committee of Regions’ opinion discussing the value and measurement of the economic value of PSI re-use, Christopher poses questions about such measurements. These are some of the questions which will be considered in the European Commission’s initiative to commission economic studies on PSI re-use.

  1. What indicators would you use if you were set the task of measuring the economic activity from PSI-re-use?
  2. Would the indicators that you have chosen be sustainable overtime? Or pose the question another way could the indicators that you have selected be used at six monthly intervals over the five-year period from 1st July 2010 to 1st July 2015 without change?
  3. Are the indicators that you have chosen applicable to only one thematic information domain or all information domains?
  4. In your opinion has the PSI re-use framework in its first five years stimulated economic activity? If so what is the evidence that supports your opinion?

Christopher Corbin is an independent researcher in the development of the emerging information and knowledge economy. He is currently an adviser to the European Public Sector Information Platform and was an analyst under the eContentplus funded ePSIplus Thematic Network (September 2006 to February 2009). He is also an expert member of the UK Advisory Panel for Public Sector Information (APPSI), member of the Open Knowledge Foundation Advisory Board (OKFN) and has worked with the OECD (Organisation for Economic C-operation and Development) on Public Sector Information initiatives.

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