PSI Alliance Five Star Competition 2012
The PSI Alliance has launched a competition to find and reward the best public authority in Europe according to nominations from re-users. Public authorities act as gateways to information which is re-used for the sake of the public interest as well as for commercial use. We believe that there are five conditions that have to be met in order for a public authority to be able to say proudly that it is doing everything it can to make data freely available and accessible. They are:
information on the website about assets and prices for re use
a person/unit responsible for contact with re-users and a process for dealing with complaints
solutions for deliveries of raw data (not value added data) to the re-users
no unreasonable intellectual property rights restrictions connected to the information
pricing based upon marginal costs
If you are a re-user and would like to nominate a public authority for excellence, then we would like to hear about it. Just fill out the relevant online forms stating whether the authority meets or does not meet each of the above criteria and any other reasons why they deserve to have the PSI Alliance’s Five Stars and they could be in a chance to become the first winner of the new PSI Alliance Five Star award.
The results will be announced at our annual conference.
Click here to complete the survey